
We take an interdisciplinary approach to our innovative research on management of plant pests (arthropods, pathogens and weeds) using cutting edge technologies such as AI, big data, biotech, chemocatalysis, chemoecology, nanotech and satellite navigation. Our work receives sufficient provincial, national and international funding and covers the following three broad areas.

Discovery, production and application of green pesticidesWe investigate numerous compounds including natural ones and determine their targets of actions on plant pests. Our team develops new technologies for clean, efficient and affordable synthesis and production of effective and specific green pesticides. In parallel, we establish new systems for pest monitoring and precise pesticide applications and design formulations that can prevent drifting and control mist droplets.


Management of pesticide resistance and residue risks. With our modern platform for studies of pesticide resistance and residue risks, the Laboratory explores pesticide resistance genes, discovers molecular regulatory mechanisms involved in resistance, and develops new strategies for resistance management. We elaborate novel technologies to block and remove pesticide hazards, probe movement and breakdown of pesticides in the environment, and forge strategies for evaluation of pesticide residue toxicity.


Ecologically based pest management and biopesticidesThrough understanding interactions between crops and pests and tritrophic interactions among crops, pests and biocontrol agents, we investigate biopesticides ranging from fungus, insect to nematode parasitoids and effects of habitat manipulation on plant health. The Laboratory develops novel technologies for mass production and application of highly effective biocontrol agents and strategies for appropriate arrangement of biodiversity for pest management.   


If you would like to know more about our research, please visit our Faculty page.