姓名: | 陈永明 | |
性别: | 男 | |
职称/职务 | 特聘教授/无 | |
学位 | 农学博士 | |
Email: | angusbio@126.com | |
个人或课题组主页 |
陈永明,男,甘肃康县人,1995年3月生,博士,中共党员,贵州大学特聘教授B类人才,主要从事天敌昆虫种质资源开发与利用、农林重大害虫成灾机制研究、昆虫有机废弃物高值化利用相关研究,以第一作者或通讯作者在Journal of Pest Science, Pest Management Science, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Carbohydrate Polymers 等国际高水平学术期刊发表SCI论文8篇,授权专利1项。
2022年10月——至今 贵州大学精细化工研究开发中心 特聘教授
2017年9月——2022年6月 吉林农业大学 农学博士
2013年9月——2017年6月 吉林农业大学本科
1. 天敌昆虫种质资源开发与利用;
2. 农林重大害虫灾变机制研究;
3. 昆虫有机废弃物高值化利用。
1. Mu MY, Chen YM*, Wang X, Desneux N, Zang LS. Comparative demographics, population projections and egg maturation patterns of four eupelmid egg parasitoids on the factitious host Antherae pernyi.Pest Management Science, 2023, 10.1002/ps.753.
2. Chen YM, Zang LS*, Koc-Bilican B, Bilican I, Holland C, Cansaran-Duman D, Karaduman T, Çolak A, Bayır Y, Halici Z, Ozmen S, Ali A, Labidi J, Elbuken C, Kaya M*. Macroporous Surgical Mesh from a Natural Cocoon Composite. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2022. 10(18), 5728-5738.
3. Chen YM, Iqbal A, Lv RE, Wang X, Desneux N, Zang LS*. Chinese oak silkworm Antherae pernyi egg, a suitable factitious host for rearing eupelmid egg parasitoids. Pest Management Science, 2022, 78(5), 1789–1799.
4. Chen YM, Pekdemir S, Bilican I, Koc-Bilican B, Cakmak B, Ali A, Zang LS*, M. Serdar Onses*, Kaya M*. Production of natural chitin film from pupal shell of moth: Fabrication of plasmonic surfaces for SERS-based sensing applications. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 262, 117909.
5. Chen YM, Qu XR, Li TH, Iqbal A, Wang X, Ren ZY, Desneux N, Zang LS*. Performances of six eupelmid egg parasitoids from China on Japanese giant silkworm Caligula japonica with different host age regimes. Journal of Pest Science, 2021, 94(2), 309-319.
6. Chen YM, Sun JW, Iqbal A, Lv R-E, Wang H, Zang LS*. An investigation of Caligula japonica Moore egg distribution and its parasitoids on walnut trees (Juglans regia) in northwestern China. International Journal of Pest Management, 2022, 68(2), 184-191.
7. Chen YM, Gibson GAP, Peng LF, Iqbal A, Zang LS*. The Anastatus Motschulsky (Hymenoptera, Eupelmidae) egg parasitoids of Caligula japonica Moore (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae) in China. ZooKeys, 2019, 881: 109–134.
8. Wei XY, Chen YM*, Wang X, Lv RE, Zang LS*. Demography and fitness of Anastatus japonicus reared from Antheraea pernyi as a biological control agent of Caligula japonica. Insects, 2022, 13(4), 349.
9. Zang LS, Chen YM, Koc-Bilican B, Bilican I, Sakir M, Wait J, Çolak A, Karaduman T, Ceylan A, Ali A, Elbuken C, Onses MS*, Kaya M*. From bio-waste to biomaterials: The eggshells of Chinese oak silkworm as templates for SERS-active surfaces. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 426, 131874.
10. Zang ZY, Chen YM, Xu W*, Zang LS*. Evidence of two-sex life table analysis supporting Anastatus japonicus, a more effective biological control agent of Caligula japonica compared with other two Anastatus species. Biological Control, 2023, 180, 105188.
11. Iqbal A, Chen YM, Hou YY, Ruan CC*, Desneux N, Khan MQ, Zang LS*. Rearing Trichogramma ostriniae on the factitious host Antheraea pernyi via multiparasitism with Trichogramma chilonis facilitates enhanced biocontrol potential against Ostrinia furnacalis.Biological control, 2021, 156, 104567.
12. Iqbal A, Chen YM, Hou YY,Zhang L, Desneux N, Zang LS*. Factitious host species impact on the outcome of multiparasitism between egg parasitoids. Journal of Pest Science, 2019, 92, 1261–1269.
13. Wang J, Chen YM, Yang XB*, Lv RE, Desneux N, Zang LS*. Parasitism and suitability of Aprostocetus brevipedicellus on Chinese oak silkworm, Antheraea pernyi, a dominant factitious host. Insects, 2021, 12, 694.
14. Zhao QY, Chen X, Wang RZ, Chen YM, Zang LS*. Comparative analysis of the venom proteins from two eupelmid egg parasitoids Anastatus japonicus and Mesocomys trabalae. Biology, 2023, 12, 700.
15. Iqbal A, Hou YY, Chen YM, Ali A, Monticelli LS, Desneux N, Zang LS*. Impact of Trichogramma parasitoid age on the outcome of multiparasitism in the factitious host eggs of Chinese oak silkworm, Antheraea pernyi. Journal of Pest Science, 2020, 93, 1347–1357.
16. 朱琳, 陈永明, 臧连生*. 基于年龄-阶段两性生命表的温室白粉虱对三种重要寄主植物的适应性. 环境昆虫学报, 2023, 45(2), 450-458.
17. 任志勇#, 陈永明#, 吕瑞娥, 巩芳娥, 汪海, 臧连生*. 甘肃陇南地区银杏大蚕蛾卵寄生蜂种类调查. 环境昆虫学报, 2020, 42(6), 1464-1471.
18.王晶, 陈永明, 李天昊, 温玄烨, 徐伟, 臧连生*. 短梗长尾啮小蜂的生物学特性, 环境昆虫学报, 2021, 43(3), 716–722.
19. 戴鹏, 孙加伟, 陈永明,包和平, 张礼生, Nkunika P, 臧连生*.发现3种防治草地贪夜蛾的卵寄生蜂, 吉林农业大学学报, 2019, 41(5), 505–509.
1.臧连生, 陈永明, 李天昊, 阮长春, 张俊杰. 一种适合森林害虫防治的球型放蜂器, ZL 2018 2 1802768.0