姓名: | 高杨杨 | |
性别: | 女 | |
职称/职务 | 博士后 | |
学位 | 博士 | |
Email: | yangyang_gao@foxmail.com | |
入站时间: | 2021.7.20 | |
个人或课题组主页: |
2021年07 月——至今 贵州大学 博士后
2015年09月——2021年06月 山东农业大学 博士 导师:慕卫教授
2011年09月——2015年07月 山东农业大学 学士 导师:刘峰教授
Gao,Y. Y.;Yang, W.C.;Ashby, C.;*Hao. G.F.*Mapping cryptic binding sites of drug targets to overcome drug resistance. Drug Resistance Updates. 2023,100934. (1 区,IF = 22.84).
Gao, Y. Y.;Chen, H. M.;Chen, D. Y.; Hao. G. F.* Genetic and evolutionary dissection of melatonin responsesignaling facilitates the regulation of plant growth andstress responses.Journal of Pineal Research.2023, e12850. (1 区,IF = 12.08).
Wen, T.; Li, J. H.; Wang, Q.;* Gao, Y. Y.;* Hao, G. F.;* Song B. A.Thermal imaging: The digital eye facilitates high-throughput phenotyping traits of plant growth and stress responses. Science of The Total Environment. 2023, 165626. (1 区,IF = 9.80)
Yang, W. C.; Gong, D.H.; Hong, Wu.; Gao, Y. Y.; * Hao, G. F.* Grasping cryptic binding sites to neutralize drug resistance in the field of anticancer. Drug Discovery Today. 2023, 28: 103705. (2区,IF = 7.40)
Gao, Y. Y.; Li, X. X.; He, L. F.; Li, B. X.; W. Mu, Liu. F.* Role of adjuvants in the management of anthracnose-Change in the crystal morphology and wetting properties of fungicides. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2019, 67: 9232-9240. (1 区,IF = 5.90).
6. Gao,Y. Y.;Yang, S.; Li, X. X.; He, L. F.; Zhu, J. M.; Mu, W.; Liu. F.* Residue determination of pyraclostrobin, picoxystrobin and its metabolite in pepper fruit via UPLC-MS/MS under open field conditions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2019,182: 109445. (2 区,IF = 7.13).
7. Gao, Y. Y.;He, L.F.; Zhu, J.M.; Cheng, J.; Li, B.X.; Liu, F.; Mu. W.* The relationship between featuresenabling SDHI fungicide binding to the Sc-Sdh complex and its inhibitory activity againstSclerotinia sclerotiorum. Pest Management Science. 2020, 76: 2799-2808. (1 区,IF = 4.46)
8. Gao, Y. Y.;Li, X.X.; He, L.F.; Li, B.X.; Mu, W.; Liu. F. Effect of application rate and timing on residual efficacy of pyraclostrobin in the control of pepper anthracnose. Plant Disease. 2020, 104:958-966. (1 区,IF = 4.61).
9. Gao, Y. Y.;Li, X.X.; He, L.F.; Li, B.X.; Mu, W.; Liu. F.* Effect of pyrisoxazole on infection ofColletotrichum scovillei and anthracnose on chili. Plant Disease.2020, 104:551-559. (1 区,IF = 4.61).
10. Gao, Y. Y.; Liu, Y.; He, L. F.; Zhu, J.M.; Wu, B.; Liu, F.; Mu. W.* Activity of the novel fungicide mefentrifluconazole against Colletotrichum scovillei. Plant disease. 2020, 105: 1522-1530. (1 区,IF = 4.61).
11. Gao, Y. Y.;Ren, C. L.; Liu, Y.; Zhu, J. M.; Li, B. X.; Mu, W.; Liu. F.* Pepper-maize intercropping affects the occurrence of anthracnose in hot pepper. Crop Protection. 2021, 148: 105750. (2区,IF = 3.04).
12. Gao, Y. Y.;He,L. F.; Li, B. X.; Mu, W.; Lin, J.; Liu. F. First report of Colletotrichum
lindemuthianum causing anthracnose on pepper in China. Plant disease2018, 5. (1 区,IF = 4.61).
Gao, Y. Y.; He, L. F.; Li, X. X.; Lin, J.; Mu, W.; Liu. F.* Toxicity and biochemical action of the antibiotic fungicide tetramycin on Colletotrichum acutatum. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2018, 147, 51-58. (1区,IF = 4.97).
Gao, Y. Y.; He, L. F.; Mu,W.; Li, B. X.; Lin, J.; F. Liu. Assessment of the baseline sensitivity andresistance risk of Colletotrichum acutatum to fludioxonil. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2018, 3, 639-651.(3 区,IF = 2.22).
Gao, Y. Y.; He, L. F.; Li, B. X.; Mu, W.; Lin, J.; Liu. F.* Sensitivity of Colletotrichum acutatum to six fungicides and reduction in incidence and severity of chili anthracnose using pyraclostrobin. Australasian Plant Pathology.2017, 6, 521-581. (4区,IF = 1.42)
Gao, Y. Y.; He, L.F.; Li, B.X.; Mu, W.; Lin, J.; Liu. F.* The potential of fludioxonil for anthracnose control on China chili fruit. Phytoparasitica. 2017, 45, 281-291. (4 区,IF = 1.81).
高杨杨,禾丽菲, 李北兴, 林琎, 慕卫, 刘峰. 山东省辣椒炭疽病病原菌的鉴定及高效防治药剂的筛选. 中国农业科学, 2017, 8, 1452-1464.
高杨杨, 禾丽菲, 李北兴, 林琎, 慕卫, 刘峰. 山东省辣椒炭疽病病原菌对吡唑醚菌酯的敏感基线及含吡唑醚菌酯增效配方筛选. 农药学学报, 2017, 6, 701-707.
刘峰, 慕卫, 高杨杨, 张大侠.一种含氟啶胺和氯氟醚菌唑的农药组合物。中国专利, 专利号: ZL 2020 1 0185295.X. 申请日期: 2020.02.17授权日期: 2021.03.23
2. 刘峰, 慕卫, 高杨杨, 张大侠.一种含甲基硫菌灵和苯醚甲环唑的农药组合物。中国专利, 专利号: ZL 2020 1 0185350.5. 申请日期: 2020.02.17授权日期: 2021.03.23
3. 王崎, 吴兴财, 赵克君, 高杨杨, 吴雪.基于多粒度图文语义学习的文本引导图像修复模型及方法。中国发明专利, 专利号: ZL 2023 0796408.3. 申请日期: 2023.07.03授权日期: 2023.09.19
2021.06 获“山东省优秀毕业生”